
More students complete School Based Traineeships

The School Based Traineeship (SBT) process at Newman Senior High School has been enhanced to include formalised worksite exposure and selection process, ensuring students and parents


Success in the work place

Two students from Hedland Senior High School Success program are being commended by their respective workplace learning employers.


Positive Start for Success Program

The students have all worked hard to create new names for each of the Success classes. They are extremely proud to begin using them; showing a


BHP Family Day

Over 1500 families and community partners attended the Hedland BHP Family Day at Nelson point on Saturday, 11 September, where the partnership team had an opportunity

Upcoming Events

Ngala’s Growing Strong Brains – 2023

Ngala’s Growing Strong Brains© Toolkit has been designed as a portable yarning tool about pregnancy, early brain development, and growing up strong, healthy kids.

Rise Up

Rise Up Program

The new Rise Up program, an initiative under the 2021 to 2023 BHP Pilbara Education Partnership, will commence in early 2022. Supporting students to rise up

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