Newman Senior High School’s innovative approach equips students with contemporary and emerging work capabilities for lifelong learning.
Students will be prepared to take the step beyond school into further education, training or work by establishing an embedded whole school career development culture, that enables students to pursue unique pathways through partnerships. 

Program Outcomes

The Innovations and Industry program reaches all three schools in Newman and surrounding Remote Schools and supports students in the following ways:

Plans for the future
Ensuring all students have an Individual Pathway Plan that is guided by students’ chosen area of interest.

Works collaboratively alongside Registered Training Organisations, local employers, organisations, and agencies to enhance student’s opportunities.

Global opportunities
Provides every student with a breadth of global opportunities for successful post-school destinations.



More students complete School Based Traineeships

The School Based Traineeship (SBT) process at Newman Senior High School has been enhanced to include formalised worksite exposure and selection process, ensuring students and


Newman High School Students looking towards the future

Newman Senior High School Year 10 students recently had the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of School Based Traineeships including career pathways opportunities post school. Past and current School Based Trainees shared their experiences and answered questions about their journey as apprentices.